Student Orientation

At the start of each course, Camberwell College provides a complete orientation session for all new students. Students are given useful information to ensure they receive the greatest possible assistance and care while studying.

  • • Information on Fairwork Australia
  • • Fees and refunds
  • • English skills and study
  • • Assessment
  • • Recognition of prior learning (RPL) / credit transfers
  • • College contact people
  • • Student visa conditions
  • • Working and your student visa
  • • Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)
  • • Banking and tax file numbers
  • • Transport and travel to and from campus
  • • Communication (e.g. internet and mobile phones)
  • • Complaints and Appeals
  • • Student Code of Conduct
  • • Participation requirements
  • • Course progress requirements
  • • Completion of the course in the normal amount of time
  • • Keeping address and contact details up-to-date
  • • Support services for students
  • • Legal services for students
  • • Emergency and health services for students
  • • College facilities and resources